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For the joy of all
Oct 20 2010, 5:22 pm
By: Centreri
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Oct 20 2010, 5:22 pm Centreri Post #1

Relatively ancient and inactive

I present to you the source of endless unbridled hilarity!


Oct 20 2010, 5:55 pm payne Post #2


This shit is genius! I laughed quite a lot. :><:

A little tease:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 20 2010, 6:04 pm by payne.


Oct 20 2010, 6:27 pm The Starport Post #3

Assuming the pole was infinitely dense....


Oct 20 2010, 7:36 pm ToA Post #4

Que Sera, Sera.

Get the fuck out of here :disgust:

But really, that is hilarious.

Oct 20 2010, 7:40 pm MadZombie Post #5

ITT: Poles and Magnets


Oct 20 2010, 9:26 pm poison_us Post #6

Back* from the grave

I actually think this might work.

Oct 21 2010, 12:04 am payne Post #7


Quote from poison_us
The principle would, but the succeed of it would depend on the weight of what is contained in the tube. I believe a human would drop out of there pretty quickly. :P


Oct 21 2010, 12:20 am The Starport Post #8

Uh, apparently you guys need to study up a bit on surface tension. :rolleyes:


Oct 21 2010, 12:32 am Aristocrat Post #9

^This would actually work. I don't see why this is considered a troll.


Oct 21 2010, 1:21 am Norm Post #10

Quote from Aristocrat

^This would actually work. I don't see why this is considered a troll.

lol, no it wouldn't.

Also, shit is pretty clever.


Oct 21 2010, 1:37 am Aristocrat Post #11

Quote from Norm
lol, no it wouldn't.



Oct 21 2010, 1:52 am payne Post #12


Quote from Aristocrat

^This would actually work. I don't see why this is considered a troll.
It's already applied.
There are solar-panels on satellites. There are also plans to create space-solar-battery-chargers that would induce the energy of the solar panels to a specific place on Earth, which could be an electric central.


Oct 21 2010, 1:55 am CecilSunkure Post #13

Quote from payne
Quote from Aristocrat

^This would actually work. I don't see why this is considered a troll.
It's already applied.
There are solar-panels on satellites. There are also plans to create space-solar-battery-chargers that would induce the energy of the solar panels to a specific place on Earth, which could be an electric central.
I don't think electricity can cross that distance of wiring. The only way something like this would work is if we had cells that were on-site of the panels. The cells store energy like giant batteries, and then we can transport the cells to a closer location.

I think resistance in the wires becomes greater at longer distances, and so the amount of energy to create a current from near the sun to earth in a direct contact line would be a lot, and the line would have to be huge (thick).


Oct 21 2010, 2:17 am payne Post #14


Quote from CecilSunkure
Quote from payne
Quote from Aristocrat

^This would actually work. I don't see why this is considered a troll.
It's already applied.
There are solar-panels on satellites. There are also plans to create space-solar-battery-chargers that would induce the energy of the solar panels to a specific place on Earth, which could be an electric central.
I don't think electricity can cross that distance of wiring. The only way something like this would work is if we had cells that were on-site of the panels. The cells store energy like giant batteries, and then we can transport the cells to a closer location.

I think resistance in the wires becomes greater at longer distances, and so the amount of energy to create a current from near the sun to earth in a direct contact line would be a lot, and the line would have to be huge (thick).
There were two ways: one involving lasers, one involving microwaves. Both are ways to induce energy from distance.


Oct 21 2010, 2:19 am CecilSunkure Post #15

Inducing? I'm not sure what you even mean.


Oct 21 2010, 2:28 am payne Post #16


Quote from CecilSunkure
Inducing? I'm not sure what you even mean.
Inducing is probably the wrong term, but you can indeed transform solar energy into a laser or micro-waves that would target a specific spot on Earth which would transform the laser/micro-waves back into energy.


Oct 21 2010, 3:12 am Norm Post #17

Quote from Aristocrat
Quote from Norm
lol, no it wouldn't.


You can't put those things that close to the sun because 1. no one would be able to survive long enough to put them there, and 2. they would probably melt should the sun decide to flare up as it does quite often.


Oct 21 2010, 3:17 am Aristocrat Post #18

I am pretty sure that picture is not to scale. There is nothing inherently impossible about large-scale solar energy harvest using orbital solar panels close to the sun.


Oct 21 2010, 3:46 am poison_us Post #19

Back* from the grave

Quote from payne
Quote from poison_us
The principle would, but the succeed of it would depend on the weight of what is contained in the tube. I believe a human would drop out of there pretty quickly. :P
Hence why we should let you try it first :awesome:

Oct 21 2010, 3:48 am Norm Post #20

Quote from Aristocrat
I am pretty sure that picture is not to scale. There is nothing inherently impossible about large-scale solar energy harvest using orbital solar panels close to the sun.

Oh, it's possible I can imagine, but humans are unable to do it, at least any time soon.
So, no, it wouldn't work.


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